Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's Christmas!

It's christmas
but why this emptiness?
lots of people around
there's music, there are gifts
feel lost in the crowd
not sadness
just a numbness unexplainable
May be.
that small chocolate cake 
those balloons, colour papers
Your laughter
that small gift 
distant images now 
time to dust those photos 
silently whisper  into the air  
"happy christmas" 
And treasure that wonderful gift 
I wrote this a long time back. This one's dedicated to a very special friend of mine..someone who has a very unique approach to enormously dyslexic..cant spell words for nuts..studies astrology..has studied psychology..worries about losing her a counselor..taught me how to give gifts..share her miniscule lunch with me and a squirrel (which blessed me and got me a seat at iim-a)..likes talking..has a scooty..wants to marry for alimony..thinks all mallus and outsiders should be thrown out of bangalore..and hails from maharashtra..introduced me to roadside chat in jayanagar..and an awesome roadside aloo paratha joint....that's about it..and if she gets to know that I described her in so little words..she might kill me too. She is a genius and is my bestest friend.

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